Principal Desk

"This is  known as CM School of Excellence Girls Gumla, located in the heart of Gumla town. This school was established in the year 1975 AD. As per the decision of Jharkhand Government, meritorious students from class 6th to class 12th are being taught by highly qualified teachers from the field of education. The school enrolls meritorious students in Arts, Science and Commerce are proposed stream in +2 and in Vocational Stream from class 9 to class 12 are proposed. Their guidance i.e. teaching and learning by highly qualified teachers is a matter of pride for this school. This school is rich with computers, library, laboratory and sports materials. Till date the examination results of this school have been satisfactory due to the hard work and dedication of the teachers and students. It is hoped that this school will prove its excellence even more in the future. I wish all students studying here success in their lives. Also I congratulate all the teacheing and non-teaching staffs of this school and at the same time I also give them message that they should work with more hard work and dedication and play their important role in making the school the best. Academic excellence is at the core of our school's values. We will strive to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to face the challenges of the ever-evolving world. With a blend of innovative teaching methods and a strong emphasis on character development, we aim to mold responsible and empathetic citizens who can make a positive impact on society."

                                                                                                                            Shashi Neelam Tirkey, Principal

News & Events

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President of S M C

Welcome to our school, where teamwork and progress go hand in hand! We're proud to introduce our School Management Committee (SMC), a group of dedicated individuals working together to make our school the best it can be.
The SMC is like our school's guiding team including teachers, parents, and community members who care deeply about education. We meet regularly to discuss important decisions, school policies, and plans for improvement.
Our main job is to make sure our school runs smoothly and provides the best learning environment for students. We help in making decisions about school facilities, educational programs, and ways to involve parents in school activities.
The SMC also plays a vital role in making sure everyone in the school community is happy, safe, and supported. We are here to listen to your ideas and concerns, making our school a place where everyone's voice matters

Jinit Xalxo SMC President


This school was established in the year 1978 and situated in the heart of Gumla town  of Jharkhand State. This school is well known as " CM SOE  Girls Gumla". There are 31 TGT and 12 PGT teachers are working in this school. Vocational Education of trades IT/ITES and Electronics & Hardware are running in this School under well trained vocational teachers. Also ICT Lab is well equipped and is running under skilled instructor. Physics, Chemistry Biology and Math laboratories are also well equipped. School has a rich Library. There are 18 Smart Classes running in this school. Byju's Class is also running for the preparation of NEET/JEE. School has well-furnished class rooms and rich Sports Kit.

Our Teachers

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Kiran Kumari
ICT Instructor
(B.Tech, Computer Science)

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Shashi Neelam Tirkey
(M.A. B.Ed.)

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Laxmi Kumari
Economics Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed.)

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Kanta Kumari
Sanskrit Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

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Bishnu Charan Mahto
Maths & Physics Teacher
(M.Sc. B.Ed)

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Sweta Kumari
Economics Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

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ILA Kumari
Hindi Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

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Tripti kumari
English Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

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Reshma Minj
Biology Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

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Rajani Kiro
History Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

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Anju Premi Kujur
Geography Teacher
(B.A. B.Ed)

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Nitir Nisha Kerketta
Home Science Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

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MD. Wasi Ahamad
Urdu Teacher
(M.A. B.Ed)

Our Facilities

Our Toppers

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